Do kids really need to see the chiropractor?Simply put, YES!. Children experience traumas to their spine from a variety of events, including birth, learning to walk, and through the regular play and activity of being a child. These traumas can subluxate, or misalign the vertebrae, placing pressure on the spinal nerves and decreasing their bodies' ability to function normally. These subluxations may also disrupt the proper curvature development within a child's spine. Symptoms such as pain and malfunction may not show up for years. However, injury to the vital nervous system and changes to the development of the spine has already occurred, and may lead to a lifetime of damaging effects.
How can chiropractic help my kids?Chiropractic care during childhood allows children's nervous systems to function optmally and enables them to develop to their full potential. In addition, in a recent study by the International Chiropractic Pediatrics Association, parents whose children received chiropractic care reported improvements to
Why do parents bring their children to the chiropractor?Many parents have sought chiropractic care to support with various ailments during childhood, such as
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